21 Agu 2012

NightClub City Bug Dressing Room And Free Item

Dressing Room Bug :

1. Buka NC Loe (Ingat Ya NC Bukan Nenek2 Cantik)
2. Klik Baju Apa Saja Lalu Di Move Aja Ke Luar Lantai Dance
3. Ok Klo Sudah Klik Gambar Dadu/Icon Dadu Yg Ada Di Sebelah Gender Dan Biarkan Kostum Kamu Berubah Secara Acak..
4. Ya Udah Gitu AJa Tinggal Make Kostum Kredit/No Kredit


Free Item Kredits :

Tools :
Cheat Engine

1. Buka NC Loe (Gua Sarankan Dari Mozilla Aja Soal Nya Ntar Kesusah Cari Browser Nya Di CE)
3. Scan "16795267 " <== [Indrustrial Dance] Tanpa Tanda Kuctib
4. Pindahkan Semua Hasil Ke Bawah Lalu Ganti Dengan [xxxxxxxxxxx] <== Kode Yg Di Bawah Yg Loe Mau

DJ System 1000 = 17000253
Dreadcon 5000 DJ = 17000358
Single Shelf Blue Bar = 16781216
Ice Blue Bar = 17000002
Industrial Dance = 16795267
Citadel Steps = 17001248
Zen Candle Cabinet = 16787068
Tank Draftboard = 17001038
NC2000 Speakers = 16780218
Mega Bar Storage = 16782136
Spike = 17000242
Royal Pool of = 16793225
Gargoyle Statue = 17000288
Burnt Copper Wall = 17001068
Dark Ice Wall = 17000017
Painted Grey Brick = 16786281
Subaquatica Shark = 16793226
Subaquatica Shark = 16789226
Sparkle Shooting = 16793266
Wet and Wild Fun = 16793227
Violet Tower of Speakers = 17001188

5. Beli Industrial Dance Dan Lihat Apa Yg Terjadi...
6. Ok Enjoy :D

Klo Mau Kode Nya Cari Sendiri
Tutorial Mencari Kode Lewat Game Social Wars

Ingat Klo Mencari Kode Di Social Wars Maka Akan Mencari ID
Tetapi Klo Di NightClub Citi Maka Akan Mencari ResId


Tambahan Credit mahal
17000023 ---> fire & ice Dj
16789227---> Subaquatica Wall lamp
16789226--->Subaquatica Shark Aquarium
17001178-->Green Tower of Speakers

~Selamat Mencoba

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