29 Apr 2012

Get Free addtional +1 Crew and get free +30 Energy for Your CityVille, this gifts has been updated on April 28, 2012

Cheat Unlimited CP | Ninja Saga

Peralatan :
Caranya : 
  1. Buka Cheat Engine
  2. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  3. Klik "Select a Process to Open"
  4. Pilih Browser yang kalian gunakan
  5. Masukan jumlah gold yang kalian miliki
  6. Kemudian First Scan
  7. Akan keluar address baru, pindahkan address tersebut ke bawah
  8. Ganti address belakangnya jadi 99 (Contoh : kamu mendapat address "17896F68" di rubah menjadi "17896F99")
  9. Lalu ganti valuenya jadi 999
  10. Enjoy It !!
Cheat ini juga berguna untuk menghadapi exam/ujian Ninja Saga di pertengahan tahun.
Catatan : Jika setelah battle kamu mengalami "lost connection" TIDAK MASALAH, cukup di refresh saja. EXP dan Gold yang kamu dapat telah tersimpan.

Empires and Allies Get free Uranium, Allmunium

Empires and Allies Get free Uranium, Allmunium, Cooper and Gold Cheat
If you use this Cheat, you can easily earn millions of uranium, allmunium, copper and gold. Simply use this cheat and all your mining needs are met.

The Tools Used is:
  • Super Ore Mine (at least 1x Unlock)
  • Charle Proxy
  • Your Browser

NOTE: You need to disable HTTPS Secure browsing. Disable on your facebook and make sure you play Empires and Allies in http://apps.facebook.com/empiresandallies/ (not https)

Steps to use this Cheat:
  1. Open Charles, enable breakpoints

  2. Play Empires & Allies. Click here-> http://apps.facebook.com/empiresandallies/

  3. Charles will open, click Execute

  4. Another breakpoint will open. Click Edit Response -> Click AMF. Look for: Content -> data -> userInfo -> player -> unlockResource

  5. Edit the value of Uranium, Gold, Copper & Aluminum to 1000000 (To edit double click the value. This is your ore multiplier)

  6. After you edit click Execute and Execute.
  7. Disable Breakpoint (click the breakpoint icon to disable). Check your game and click Super Ore Mine Building

  8. You can now see that in 15 minutes you can have 6 million of ore. Click "Weighted Wealth" to get started
  9. Do not close your web browser wait for 15 minutes to complete the task.
  10. When it's done, gather the ore you should have 6 million of Ore now.

maaf jarang posting cheat bebas keyloger perbaikan 100%%

Special Hot Fitur Medium Hack..
Just For Public,,Not Sale!
heppi cheatting
On Kan Cheat DI Dalam Pertandingan || Offkan saat selesai

Downloads Cheat
Tanpa Password
Fitur Keys Hack
  • WH Bersih
  • WH Kaca
  • Chams
  • No smoke
  • Crosshair
Super Hack
  1. Keluar Notice /Tulisan kotak di tengah , Klik ok saja 
  2. Hepi Cheating
  3. Auto HS
  4. Damage ++setan 90%
  5. Invisble
  6. Skill CT
  7. Skill Tero
  8. Magneto Maskiil
  9. Set REP
  10. Pistol
  11. Piso
  12. WP smoke
  13. Bom
  14. DKK
  15. Off REP (Off ful modeREP)
  16. Losing Protect PI ( onkan saat pertama di dalam pertandingan) <<1x ja,,utk seterusnya ndak usah
  17. Room Geger (semua kena PI) = Hiden Keys (Fitur Hot terbaru) >> salah pencet tanggung sndiri
Ket : 
L* = LEFT (sebeleah kiri ) ,misal L ALT = ALT sebelah kiri
R* = RIGHT (sebelah kanan)
Hotkeys Ada di dalam menunya / bisa check SS

Cara Penggunaan Greget Magneto
  1. On Kan Auto HS 
  2. Onkan Invisble
  3. On Kan Replace smoke - pilih WP smoke / jngan wp smoke ++
  4. On kan magneto
  5. Lepar bom asap ke tengah 
  6. Musuh akan ke kill dengan sndirinya
  7. Hepi Maskkil

 Penggunaan Cheat :
  1. Buka PB kamu,,
  2. Buka Cheat,,
  3. Start PB
    Recomendation Windows Xp, WIndows 7 , Vizta
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