17 Agu 2012

Cheat Ayodance Auto Rawat Tanaman 2012


Buat yang memiliki Cinta.. 
Semoga kasih nya abadi selalu...

Sekarang sya mamu berbagi cheat gratis dari judulnya aja sudah jelas :D, kalau cheat ini berfungsi untuk merawat tanaman yang ada di kebun ayodance :D, yok langsung sedot aja cheatnya (^_^) . .

- Auto Siram,Mupuk,Membersihkan Ladang - F1
- Keluar mAsuk kebun - F2

Cara Pakai:
1. Jika Cursor Bergerak gak karuan langsung tekan HotKey F1 aja
2. Jika Sudah Masuk Garden Kebun Cinta kamu langsung dech Tekan F1 lagi (^_^)

Cheat Ayodance Auto BBOY Agustus 2012

    Mumpung lagi semangat semangat 45 :D berbagi cheat ayodance (^_^), jangan lupa sebar luaskan blog kami kepada teman facebook atau sesama pemain ayodance itung itung sebagai imbalan saya ngeshare cheat ini :D . .

- Get NPC  -F6
- Auto Redy - F7
- Time Hack - F8

Cara Pakai:
- Ada di Cheat setelah Play Game ayodancenya :D

- Jika Blog kami bermanfa'at jangan lupa sebagai imbalan berkomentarlah
- Sebar luaskan Blog ini jika blog ini sangat bermanfa'at
- Banyak Cheater Bikin pusing GMnya (aman) :D . .

Angry Birds Rio v2.2.0 Full Version + Crack

Nah sobat Adithya blog skarang saya akan share game yang lagi ngetren saat ini, karena game ini adalah game yang bisa dimainkan oleh kalangan anak2 hingga kaum dewasa..Semua pasti sangat familiar kan dengan game angry bird classic ini. Nah ada update terbaru neh dari Rovio. Yaitu Angry Bird versi 2.2.0 pada tanggal 10 Agustus kemarin. Ada level tambahan yang bernama Surf and Turf. Pada Surf and Turf ini terdapat 30 level yang telah menanti Sobat. Pengen segera maen kan,, Langsung cek sob..

Silent Hill Tricks And Code cheat

  •  Cheat mode
Enter one of the following codes at a green locker to get the corresponding weapons:
.45 pistol and baseball bat353479
Double axe and nail gun171678
Golf club and rifle911977
  • Thief costume
Successfully complete the "Stolen Goods" side quest in Pearls Creek apartment, then return to where the thief was hanging. Use the discarded pile of clothes to change into his black hoodie and jeans.
  • Alternate endings
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending. To increase your morality, make good decisions and spare downed monsters. To decrease your morality, do the opposite.
    A Ending: Spare Anne with good morality.
    B Ending: Spare Anne with bad morality.
    C Ending: Kill Anne with good morality.
    D Ending: Kill Anne with bad morality.
    E Ending: Successfully complete the game, then during your second playthrough, complete the "Digging Up The Past" side quest before completing the game again.
    F Ending: Let Anne kill you during the final encounter.
  • Centennial building vault puzzle solution
To unlock the vault on the second floor of the Centennial building, collect the projector slides from Room 200, then play the slides in the video archive room (Room 207) to reveal the code (IX-VI-I). Turn the dials on the vault to the indicated number to unlock it: Dial 1: IX, Dial 2: VI, Dial 3: I.
  • Devil's Pit train puzzle solution
Press the indicated buttons in the following order on the listed difficulty to unlock the train:
    Press the Red button marked E.
    Press the Blue button marked A.
    Press the Orange button marked C.
    Press the Blue button marked A.
    Press the Green button marked B.
    Press the Grey button marked D.
    Press the Orange button marked C.
    Press the Grey button marked D.
    Press the Red button marked E.
    Press the Green button marked B.
    Press the Blue button marked A.

HUT RI Update AFTER UPDATE GAMEGUARD Indonesia Menu ALL Version CABALMAIN [Cabal ID/Indonesia,Cabal PH/Philipina,CABAL Singapura,Nort Amerika,Cabal Thailand] Special Combo Perfect,Anti PK,AOE,Blink Magic,No Couldown,Auto SP, View Equipment GM,No Delay BM1,2,aura,Bypass Nprotect,Xtrap,Etc WORK SPECIAL Support ALL OS + Video Tutorial

 No Couldown On kan 2 ; 1
artinya misal kita on kan 10 detik (di kira kira sendiri) offkan dlu nunggu 5 detik
Max paling lama klo tidak di OFFKAN no couldown 50 DETIK ++ LEBIH RENTAN DC/DISCONECT

fitur AOE RangeGM = on kan Sesuaikan game negara anda
Offkan saat pindah server (Venus to mercury / mercury to venus)

APABILA Ingin Buat ID Silahkan KLIK <Web Cabal Indonesia

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Fiture :
D3D Menu Check in Screnshot!

  • On Cheat = ARAH PANAH KANAN | Right Arrow
  • Off Cheat = Arah PANAH kiri | Left Arrow
  • Pilih Cheat di Menu = arah panah atas dan arah panah bawah! | up and Down Arrow
  • Home : On /OFF menu! 
Petnjuk :
-kalau Mau exit dari cabal Di sarankan Gunakan fast Exit! , Kalau gak baca salah nya sendiri!
-if Mau exit from Cabal Suggested Use Exit fast! , If not read any of his own!

Created By Andrie Danang Kurniawan (Tropper Bermasalah)

 Video + tutor

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