11 Sep 2012

Special WALLHACK,AOE Hit magic,BLINK mode,No Couldown,No delay,COMBO ALWAYSS 1,Etc WORK ALL OS + New Keys Wallhack [ chakakter tembus tembok Cocok bagi yang ingin Jadi bringer di WAR Release September



Jangan asal download baca petunjuk downloadnya
Wallhack / Cheat 2 sudah kedetek untuk cabal indo, untuk cabal PH,TH,EU,NA, masih aman klo pakai wh,,okay paham kan,,
Coment anda kami butuhkan!
Don't to Show OFF
Downloads Cheat 1(Indo+ all_universal)
Tanpa Password
Downloads Cheat 2(Detect to Indo | ALL Universal Work (not to indo))
Tanpa Password
Fitures :
  1. Wallhack On: Numpad * (coba check ke kanan keyboard anda ada simbol bintang di bagian kanan keyboard) tekan saja,, eittt,, jangan lupa numlock jalan kan dlu okay)
  2. AOE hit : F11 On | F12 OFF
  3. GM ACC: F8 ON
  4. Blink Iblis : F9 On | F10 OFF
  5. NO Delay Aura : F5 On | F5 OFF
  6. NO Delay BM 1 : F6 On | F6 OFF
  7. NO Delay BM 2  : F7 On | F7 OFF
  8. Combo Attact : Numpad 0 (taruh combo di numpad 0) < angka numlock sebelah kanan keyboard!
  9. No Couldown Beta : ALT kiri (tahan)
Tutorial Inject Ke dua Cheat (tutorial penggunaan :)
  1. Download Cheat 1 = Fullhack
  2. Download CHeat 2 = Wallhack ( indo gak usah download )
  3. Buka Cabal Online anda
  4. Buka Cheat 1
  5. Buka Cheat 2 ( indo gak usah download )
  6. Start Cabal Anda
  7. Play!

APABILA Ingin Buat ID Silahkan KLIK <Web Cabal Indonesia

 Created By crckd Feat andrie DK

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